Quick & Easy Iced Coffee at Home

Some mornings I need a little extra boost of energy to get me out the door and off to work. While I love my morning pit stops at my neighborhood Starbucks or other local coffee shop, those Grande iced coffees start to add up. I quickly realized that it wasn’t really rocket science and I could make it myself, at home. Although this isn’t completely from scratch and I’m using bottled cold brew, I must say that making my own iced coffee, at home, has saved me time, money, and helped me create a better morning routine!

So here you go, the easiest iced coffee recipe you’ll ever try !



  • Cold Brew Coffee

  • Almond Milk “Barista Blend” or Traditional Dairy Milk

  • Liquid Stevia

  • Ice


Instructions :

  1. Put some ice cubes in a glass

  2. Pour the cold brew coffee over ice

  3. Pour in the almond milk or traditional dairy milk

  4. Add a few drops of liquid Stevia to taste ( I only use 1)

  5. Stir and Enjoy !


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For a quick tutorial, check out my IG TV.