2022 Refrigerator Reset : Organization 101


It’s 2022, which means it’s time to hit the reset button on some areas in your home that you may have been neglecting. Every year I spend the first couple of days in January organizing my home room by room. This year I started with the kitchen, specifically my refrigerator. From switching out my baking soda, to throwing away expired condiments, to buying more storage containers to organize my produce, it was quite the task but definitely worth it. There’s just something very calming about the sight of well-organized refrigerator.

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I set a goal to be more intentional when it comes to sustainability so I decided to only use glass and BPA-free plastic containers to store my food.  Storing everything in clear containers also makes it much easier to see what you have in your refrigerator!

If you’re in need of inspo or don’t know where to start. Check out my refrigerator organization reel below!

Happy Organizing!